2016 Archived Content

This two-part Targeting the Microbiome meeting provides interactive sessions and panel discussions with leading researchers and thought leaders who will discuss how their work in this field has and will continue to have tremendous impact in generating personalized diagnostics and therapeutics to improve disease treatment and human health. Part One of the Targeting the Microbiome Track, taking place September 20-21, 2016, will discuss the underlying mechanisms of the disease. We’ll explore scientific-based case studies of the interaction between the microbiome and the immune system, particularly pathways being activated. We will also explore the future of translational medicine as it pertains to the microbiome area and investment/collaboration opportunities.
Final Agenda
Day 1 | Day 2 | Download Brochure
Tuesday, September 20
7:00 am Registration Open and Morning Coffee
8:05 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Deepak K. Rajpal, D.V.M., Ph.D., Director, Computational Biology, GlaxoSmithKline
Niels Klitgord, Ph.D., Bioinformatician, Human Longevity, Inc.
Human health associations with the microbiome are rampant, finding links in areas ranging from human development to neurology. However, the mechanistic understanding of these associations is mostly lagging, confounding diagnosis and development of treatments. We present an overview of our on-going effort to elucidate microbiome role in human health and disease that is based on whole genome sequencing and analysis of over 3,000 microbiome samples from well phenotyped cohorts.
8:50 Quantitative Prediction of Microbiota Dynamics for Development of Bacteriotherapies
Georg K. Gerber, M.D., Ph.D., MPH, Assistant Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School; Co-Director, Massachusetts Host-Microbiome Center; Associate Pathologist, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Center for Advanced Molecular Diagnostics
I will present our work on discovery of networks of commensal bacteria protecting against Clostridium difficile and prediction of stability of configurations of bacteria in an immune-modulating probiotic cocktail. This work leverages our new computational framework, Microbial Dynamical Systems INference Engine (MDSINE), which infers dynamical systems models from noisy microbiome sequencing time-series datasets and predicts future behaviors of the microbiota using novel Bayesian machine learning methods. Results of in silico and gnotobiotic mouse experiments that validate MDSINE’s performance will be shared. By attending this talk, attendees will: (1) gain an understanding of the necessity of considering the microbiota as a dynamical system when developing bacteriotherapies, (2) gain insight into a novel computational method for analyzing longitudinal microbiome studies that provides new quantitative measures of microbiota dynamics, (3) gain an understanding of how this method can be applied to discover and characterize new bacteriotherapies, with our work on Clostridium difficile and inflammatory bowel disease bacteriotherapies as examples.
9:20 Recurrent Clostridium difficile Infection: Mechanisms of Disease and Emerging Therapeutics
Jessica R. Allegretti, M.D., MPH, Attending Gastroenterologist, Director of Clinical Trials and Director of the Fecal Transplant Program for Recurrent Clostridium Difficile, Brigham and Women’s Hospital Crohn’s and Colitis Center
9:50 Grand Opening Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
10:35 Skin Microbiome Editing by Specific Targeting Probiotic Microbes
Chun-Ming Eric Huang, Ph.D., Professor, Division of Dermatology, University of California San Diego
11:05 Exploring Microbiome in Metabolic Diseases
Deepak K. Rajpal, D.V.M., Ph.D., Director, Computational Biology, GlaxoSmithKline
Metabolic diseases, especially type 2 diabetes and obesity, are growing global healthcare concerns. Various studies have highlighted the role of gastrointestinal microbial communities in metabolic health and disease. We will provide a brief overview of the gut microbiome, its putative role in metabolic diseases and the emerging data in this space.
11:35 Data and Digital Tools for the Microbiome – An Emerging Field in Autoimmune Disease
Bonnie Feldman, D.D.S., MBA, Digital Health Analyst and Chief Growth Officer, DrBonnie360
New research shows an association between changes in the microbiome in Lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis. With the convergence of large population data sets and personal data we are beginning to make progress in research, development and clinical trials in autoimmune disease. This talk will highlight new companies using data and digital tools to improve our understanding and treatment of autoimmunity.
12:05 Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
1:25 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
2:05 Chairperson’s Remarks
Bonnie Feldman, D.D.S., MBA, Digital Health Analyst and Chief Growth Officer, DrBonnie360
2:15 Metaproteome Display: Identification of Novel Microbiome Derived Immunogenic Proteins
Michael Hust, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Technische Universität Braunschweig
ORFeome phage display is a novel but already proven approach for the identification of microbial biomarkers which can neither be found by classical MS based proteomics nor by all cDNA based methods. Metaproteome Display allows the selective display of microbiota-derived whole genome ORFs on the surface of phage particles and functional screening for biomarker candidates by affinity binding to antibodies from matching donor sera. By functionally analysing entire ORFeomes, we already discovered novel Biomarkers of a number of microbial pathogens and bowel-disease metagenomes.
2:45 Precise Characterization of and Selective Removal in Bacterial Communities
Bruno Marchon, Ph.D., CTO, EpiBiome
Rich bacterial communities are widespread: Our gut flora is necessary to our well-being, and food preservation has long relied on “good” bacteria to help ward off pathogens. At EpiBiome, we are developing sustainable alternatives to antibiotics, while devising novel technologies to better characterize bacterial populations. These approaches will provide healthcare, agriculture and food producers with better tools to help them deliver better services and products.
3:15 Human Microbiome Research at the NIH: The HMP and Beyond
Lita M. Proctor, Ph.D., Coordinator, NIH Human Microbiome Project
3:45 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing and Poster Competition Winner Announced
David T.S. Hayman, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Public Health, Co-Director, mEpiLab, OIE Collaborating Centre Infectious Disease Research Centre, Hopkirk Research Institute, Massey University, New Zealand
How do humans become infected with a virus from another species? The moment of cross species transmission (aka ‘spillover’) is rarely observed, but culture free next-generation sequencing metagenomic studies allow us new insights into transmission and to test specific hypotheses, including whether pathogen sharing is determined by host relatedness (phylogeny), contact rates, or pathogen traits. Our studies in Africa on people, livestock and wildlife will allow us to address some of these key questions regarding how infections cross the species barriers.
5:25 Welcome Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
6:25 End of Day
Day 1 | Day 2 | Download Brochure
Wednesday, September 21
7:30 am Registration Open and Morning Coffee
8:00 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks
Keith F. Batchelder, M.D., CEO and Founder, Genomic Healthcare Strategies
8:10 Panel Discussion: From Microbiome to Market
Keith F. Batchelder, M.D., CEO and Founder, Genomic Healthcare Strategies (Moderator)
David Berry, M.D., Ph.D., General Partner, Flagship Ventures
Sacha Mann, Principal, Inventages Venture Capital
Bernat Olle, Ph.D., CEO, Vedanta Biosciences, Inc.
Greg Sieczkiewicz, J.D., Ph.D., Chief IP Council, MPM
Cameron Wheeler, Ph.D., Principal, Deerfield Management
This Microbiome to Market panel discussion serves as a critical bridge between Part One and Part Two of the Targeting the Microbiome Program. The discussion is appropriate for those working in academic research or science who are thinking about putting a company together or at least thinking about the translation piece. The discussion is also appropriate for companies who have already harnessed microbiome research for a therapeutic area or disease condition to learn the kinds of business and financial models that investors find attractive. Leading investors will gather to discuss the areas of the microbiome they are looking at and why. We will explore the global scope of microbiome and successful collaboration, reimbursement, and business investment models between science, business, healthcare, and government in bringing live microbial products to market. We will also discuss balancing venture activities, external R&D, and long-term market opportunities. Join us for a lively and interactive discussion of the how’s and what’s of bringing your microbiome product or service to market.
9:40 Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
10:25 PANEL DISCUSSION: Building Effective Partnership Models in Product Development and Commercialization
Keith F. Batchelder, M.D., CEO and Founder, Genomic Healthcare Strategies (Moderator)
Matt Adams, Vice President, Technical Operations and Business Development, Rebiotix
Daria Hazuda, Ph.D., Vice President, Infectious Diseases Discovery and Chief Scientific Officer, Merck Research Laboratories Cambridge Exploratory Science Center
John Hambor, Ph.D., Director, Research Beyond Borders, Boehringer Ingelheim
Anu Daniel, Ph.D., Licensing Manager, Innovation, Partners Healthcare
Identifying and integrating strategic partnership relationships effectively into your overall business strategy is critical and essential to move the business forward and deliver results. This panel discussion will discuss the skills needed for organizations to collaborate, develop, and commercialize novel therapeutics. Join us for a lively and interactive discussion of the why’s and how’s in maintaining and expanding a productive alliance in the face of a complex collaboration agreement, organizational and market driven changes.
11:25 Enjoy Lunch on Your Own
2:40 Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing
3:20 End of Conference
Day 1 | Day 2 | Download Brochure
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